Additional Resources

When we started thinking about all the different resources someone might want to access the list started getting pretty long. Use the categories below to help you find what you are looking for.


City Resources & Links

Resolution 40622, the Transforming Tacoma initiative, Racial Equity Action Plans, and Job Opportunities.

Bias Awareness

Take an implicit association test to help identify your biases



We have pulled together several ideas to help you kick off your meeting with an equity moment.


Equity 101

Resources from our Equity 101 trainings and more.

Land Acknowledgement

Recognize the land we are currently on and the generations of stewardship before us and to come.

Articles, Learnings and More

Collection of various articles, films, and more to help you on your personal journey

EEO & OEHR Information

Contact information, presentations, LinkedIn Learnings and more.



Something Else

Maybe what your looking for isn’t here? Let us know and we can add some additional resources to the page!

Transforming Tacoma

In June 2020, the Tacoma City Council passed Resolution 40622This resolution formally acknowledges that the City of Tacoma’s existing systems have not adequately served the needs of everyone in our community.

It affirms the City of Tacoma’s commitment to improving existing systems for all community members. As the City is in the process of making many transformational changes, the following links may be helpful. 

City of Tacoma Leader’s Promise


We can all be leaders at the City of Tacoma. In doing so you promise to embody our core values and guiding principles by speaking, acting, and listening with an outward mindset to create a positive, inspiring environment where everyone feels supported, valued, and heard.

Start your next meeting off with a SEIESMAC (pronounced “seismic”) moment where you pick one of the following categories and lead with a brief (2-5 minute) discussion on one of the topics below. We have pulled together a few different ideas to help get you started.

Service | Equity | Integrity | Excellence | Safety | Morale | Anti-Racist | Communication


Inclusive Meetings

What would it look like to have a more inclusive meeting? Consider this checklist.


Inclusive Language

Your words matter. What is inclusive language and how can you use more of it?

Land Acknowledgement

The practice of acknowledging the land we are currently on brings honor and recognition to those that have lived on and acted as stewards of this land for many generations. Furthermore, it recognizes that each one of us has a responsibility to steward this land for generations to come and we can do that by uplifting Native communities and protecting the sustainable resources around us.

A sample from the Puyallup Tribe can be viewed below or explored here.

Office of Equity & Human Rights and Equal Employement Opportunity Office

Here are a few links you might find helpful related to our OEHR and EEO offices. 

Other resources that may be helpful

We have so many other articles, learnings, tools, and resources that we tried to organize them all on another page. Head over to our library to explore them. 

Virtual Suggestion Box

Have an idea for something else that would be helpful to be included on this page? Fill out the form below and we will do our best to accomodate the request as soon as we can.


Contact us if you want to know more or have a question
we might be able to help with [email protected] 

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